The Winter swell has begun to bring up rocks from the ocean's mysterious floor here in the South Bay. I was lucky enough carve some time into my schedule this morning and check the usual haunts.
What does this have to do with photography and can I have a milkshake? you say.
Head down and eyes wide open; I said the same thing to myself while navigating the Pacific Ocean seascape. Both rocks and photography take an uncanny vision to see beyond the camouflage. Beyond what is hidden and yet staring us in the face at the same time. Kind of like lifting a veil to reveal a beautiful face or sanding a piece of wood to reveal it's color and beauty.
Find a beautiful rock and or take a good photo or paint or sing.
The idea is to wonder and explore the details around you. You just never know what you will find. Somehow that is what I try and reveal in my photography. It is All About the Details. And of course; rock hunting and Yes! Go and have a milkshake.
Oh yeah; leave a comment and let me know any and or all of your thoughts.
This is a series that I will be working on for the rest of my natural life.
Beach, Pier & Things
Craig Blank Photography